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Feedback, cooperation and use of materials

The ICD is managed by a team of editors and interns. However, any help and suggestions from our users are greatly appreciated. We kindly request that you send suggestions for new additions to the database, information regarding important cases from any jurisdiction, and particularly original court documents, articles and other contributions to the editors:

We unfortunately do not have the funds to translate original court documents into English. Therefore, we would appreciate receiving English translations, in addition to the original court documents.  Many states are proud of the fact that they are able to prosecute such crimes and are hence willing to provide for the translations.

The background pieces on the crimes and the courts, as well as the case summaries from the database and all the other content that can be found on this website are original products, created by the members of the ICD team. We believe it is important that as many people as possible can use this information and therefore, all the content on this website can be used free of charge for personal and educational purposes, on the condition that due reference is made to the International Crimes Database and that you notify us of such use (you can contact us via the e-mail address above). The intellectual property of the ICD Briefs lies with the International Crimes Database and the respective authors. 

Thank you in advance for your assistance.