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On this webpage, you can find other websites and databases on international crimes that might be of interest. Some of these sources have also been used, where necessary, to complement the research of the members of the ICD team in the creation of this database. Examples are the sources under the headings 'Additional materials' and 'Social media links' that can be found on the webpages that summarize and analyze the different decisions. On these webpages, the ICD team has also added names and party information to enable comparative research and use by the various visitors of ICD.

***Information provided in order to clarify and introduce some resources***


Research guides and informational websites

American Society of International Law (ASIL) eResources

American University Washington College of Law War Crimes Research Office

  • Gender and International Criminal Law Project (The project aims to raise awareness of and encourage research and debate about the jurisprudence emerging from international and hybrid tribunals regarding sexual and gender-based violence committed during times of conflict, mass violence, or repression and to facilitate the investigation and prosecution of these crimes under international law)
  • Universal Jurisdiction Project

Asser Institute

Casework Redress (A database with case law on torture and related crimes)  

Case Matrix Network

MICT/ICTR/ICTY Case Law Database (UNMICT search tool on the ICTR and ICTY Appeals Chambers' case law)

Central Intelligence Agency: The World Factbook

Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) (Papers, publications and other documentation related to the work of the (C)ICC)

Duke University School of Law International Criminal Law Research Guide

Dutch National Prosecutor's Office on International Crimes (The Dutch Police's International Crimes Team, in partnership with the National Public Prosecutors' Office, carries out criminal investigations into international crimes committed by or against Dutch nationals or persons in the Netherlands) 

Eurojust National Jurisprudence Database on Core International Crimes

Fredrick K. Cox International Law Center War Crimes Research Portal

Foreign Terrorist Fighters (FTF) Knowledge Hub (The FTF Knowledge Hub can be used as a go-to place for information related to FTFs, which could be defined as ‘individuals who travel to a State other than their States of residence or nationality for the purpose of the perpetration, planning, or preparation of, or participation in, terrorist acts or the providing or receiving of terrorist training, including in connection with armed conflict’ (UN Security Council Resolution 2178 (2014))).

Geneva Academy: Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts (RULAC)

International Center for Transitional Justice Resource Library

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

International Criminal Court

  • International Criminal Court Case Law Database (A searchable tool that provides access to the case law of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in multiple languages, allowing free and easy access to all ICC jurisprudence in English, as well as the available official translations of decisions and non-official translations of legal findings in French and Spanish. In addition to the full text of judicial decisions, the CLD includes substantive analysis of its case law in the form of legal findings)
  • International Criminal Court Legal Tools Database

International Institute of Humanitarian Law in Sanremo Research and Publications (Contains a collection of warfare manuals and other documents on international humanitarian law)

New York University International Criminal Law Research Guide

OHCHR Jurisprudence (This database provides easy access to jurisprudence emanating from the United Nations Treaty Bodies which receive and consider complaints from individuals)

Oxford Reports on International Law

Peace Palace Library: International Criminal Law Bibliography

Peter Robinson's Summaries of Decisions (The summaries of significant international criminal decisions written by Peter Robinson, an international criminal defence lawyer who has defended clients before several international tribunals)

Preparatory documents on the Geneva Conventions

Public International Law and Policy Group: War Crimes Prosecution Watch

University of Maryland’s Global Terrorism Database

University of Minnesota Human Rights Library (A comprehensive database on Dutch case law, including case law on international crimes)

SHERLOC UNODC Portal (An initiative to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its three Protocols)

Transitional Justice Evaluation Tools

The World Law Guide

Trial International: Universal Jurisdiction Database (An online database which offers the public easy access to numerous procedures concerning international crimes before national or international tribunals)

United States Naval War College Stockton LOAC/IHL Research e-Portal

War Crimes Stats, BIRN (A database which provides an overview of court rulings on the crimes that were committed during the wars in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. It includes all final war crimes verdicts handed down by national courts and by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia)


International law blogs and podcasts

Armed Groups and International Law

Articles of War - Lieber Institute West Point

Asser Today

Asymmetrical Haircuts

Beyond The Hague

EJIL: Talk!


Human Rights Here

International Law Observer


JIB/JAB: The Laws of War Podcast



Justice in Conflict

Just Security


Opinio Juris


The Conversation




News websites

Africa News

Al Jazeera


Amnesty International

Asia Times

Associated Press News

Balkan Insight




France 24

Human Rights Watch

Le Monde (French)

Middle East Monitor


The Kyiv Independent

The New York Times

NRC (Dutch)


The Guardian

UN News


Educational modules

Coursera Introduction to International Criminal Law

ICRC Exploring Humanitarian Law Teaching Module

ICRC Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice MOOC


Supplementary information and websites

Council on Foreign Relations Report: Justice Beyond The Hague

The Hague: International City of Peace and Justice


Legacy resources (no longer updated) 

Erga Omnes

iLawyer Blog

PhD Studies in Human Rights

Spreading the Jam

University of Amsterdam’s SHARES Project (Shared Responsibility in International Law) Blog